bourgeois class

bourgeois class

English-russian dctionary of diplomacy. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "bourgeois class" в других словарях:

  • Bourgeois tragedy — (German: Bürgerliches Trauerspiel) is a form of tragedy that developed in 18th century Europe. It was a fruit of the enlightenment and the emergence of the bourgeois class and its ideals. It is characterized by the fact that its protagonists are… …   Wikipedia

  • Class collaboration — is a principle of social organization based upon the belief that the division of society into a hierarchy of social classes is a positive and essential aspect of civilization. Contents 1 Class collaboration in various socioeconomic systems 1.1… …   Wikipedia

  • Class analysis — is research in sociology, politics and economics from the point of view of the stratification of the society into dynamic classes. It implies that there is no universal or uniform social outlook, rather that there are fundamental conflicts that… …   Wikipedia

  • class interest — The basic concept of class interest derives from Karl Marx s theory of social class. Marx argued that the social relations which define class generate inherently opposing interests. Hence, for example, the interests of the bourgeoisie are… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • bourgeois, proletariat — Bourgeois refers to a member of the so called middle class, sometimes defined as persons engaged in shopkeeping, merchandising, and similar pursuits. As an adjective, bourgeois means conventional, characterized by materialistic concerns or… …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • bourgeois — bourgeois, oise [ burʒwa, waz ] n. et adj. • burgeis 1080; de bourg 1 ♦ Au Moyen Âge, Citoyen d un bourg, d une ville, bénéficiant d un statut privilégié. Les bourgeois de Calais. 2 ♦ En Suisse, Personne possédant la bourgeoisie (2o). Conseil des …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Class stratification — is a form of social stratification in which a society tends to divide into separate classes whose members have differential access to resources and power. An economic and cultural rift usually exists between different classes. People are usually… …   Wikipedia

  • bourgeois — [boor zhwä′, boor′zhwä΄] n. pl. bourgeois [boorzhwä′] [Fr < OFr burgeis < ML burgensis < burgus, borgus, town < OFr borc or Frank * burg,BOURG] 1. Obs. a freeman of a medieval town 2. a self employed person, as a shopkeeper or… …   English World dictionary

  • Bourgeois-boheme — Bourgeois bohème Pour les articles homonymes, voir Bobo, Bourgeois et Bohème. Le terme bobo, contraction de bourgeois bohème, traduction de l anglais bourgeois bohemian, est issu d un livre de David Brooks intitulé Bobos in Paradise (ISBN 0 684… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Bourgeois-bohèmes — Bourgeois bohème Pour les articles homonymes, voir Bobo, Bourgeois et Bohème. Le terme bobo, contraction de bourgeois bohème, traduction de l anglais bourgeois bohemian, est issu d un livre de David Brooks intitulé Bobos in Paradise (ISBN 0 684… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Bourgeois bohème — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Bobo, Bourgeois et Bohème. Le terme bobo, contraction de bourgeois bohème, traduction de l anglais bourgeois bohemian, est issu d un livre de David Brooks intitulé Bobos in Paradise (ISBN 0 684 85378 7) publié en …   Wikipédia en Français

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